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Permanent Makeup


Effortless , Consistent , Beautiful Brows with Permanent Makeup

Healing Process

Here's what you can expect during the healing process:

DAY 1-2

During the initial days, your eyebrows will appear 20-40% darker, bolder, and more solid than the final healed outcome. This is due to the redness of the skin beneath the pigment and the pigment being deposited into a layer of skin containing dead skin cells, which together create the appearance of a darker color. Minimal swelling might be present.


Between days 3 and 5, the top layers of skin start to shed, leading to a loss of color. You may experience itching in your eyebrows, and the pigment might seem slightly raised. Color loss will be noticeable where scabs come off.

DAY 4-14

At this stage, the skin undergoes rapid exfoliation. If left undisturbed, it will shed evenly. The color beneath the exfoliating skin will appear light until the epidermis assumes a more transparent quality.

DAY 30-40

After a full cycle of cellular regeneration, it's time to evaluate your brows. The tattoo has become part of the dermis and is visible through the epidermis. Keep in mind that each individual is different, and this timeline is an approximation that may vary from person to person.

Upon leaving the appointment, your eyebrows will be in good shape, and we will do our best to help you heal correctly. Factors such as your lifestyle choices, age, genetics, and skin type will influence pigment retention. If you engage in activities that may cause fading, such as sunbathing, using sunbeds, not using sun protection, smoking, or applying anti-aging creams or acidic cleansers, you may need more frequent touch-ups.

Cosmetic tattooing is an art rather than a science, so results may vary. You may still need to use eyebrow makeup, particularly when wearing heavy coverage makeup. This treatment is low maintenance, not no maintenance. While achieving perfect symmetry is the goal, it is not guaranteed or 100% perfect, as no two sides of the face are identical or perfectly symmetrical.

Powder Brow

Powder brows is a technique in permanent makeup that involves using a tattoo machine to create a polished and structured appearance for eyebrows. This technique provides a filled-in makeup look and comes in multiple styles such as natural, dramatic, and ombre brows.

Compared to other techniques, powder brows are considered less traumatic and offer better longevity and color saturation, making it an excellent choice for those seeking long-lasting results. If you're looking to achieve a bolder look, the color can be made more saturated.

Overall, powder brows are a great option for those interested in permanent makeup, and if you're looking for a specific style, such as ombre brows, this technique can deliver outstanding results.

Regular Rate $400 (1st session)

6 Weeks Touchup $150

2 Session Package $500 ( Pay in Full)

Hairstroke Brow

Nano brows, also known as nano hairstrokes, is a form of permanent makeup that uses a tattoo machine to create natural-looking faux hairs for the eyebrows. It offers a less invasive alternative to manual microblading hairstrokes, resulting in better retention and more even pigment distribution. However, this technique requires a high level of skill and experience, and only the most precise and experienced PMU artists offer this service. If you're interested in nano brows, it's crucial to find a skilled artist to achieve the best results possible.

Regular Rate $500 ( 1st session)

6 Weeks Touchup $150

2 Session Package $600 ( Pay In Full)

Combo Brow

Combination brows are a fusion of microbladed hairstrokes or machine nanostrokes + machine powder shading all into one technique. This technique is the most versatile technique. It can be considered the most natural, hyper-realistic look as well as the most dramatic, most defined, look—depending on the style you choose. Faux hairstrokes and shading is utilized to cohesively blend the texture and appearance of your existing, natural hair into your faux hairstrokes and new shape. Combination brows is the only technique that allows you to have a natural, yet defined structured finish with hairstrokes.

Regular Rate $500 ( 1st session)

6 Weeks Touchup $150

2 Session Package $600 ( Pay in full)



Do not pick/tweeze/wax/tint/dye/laminate/perform electrolysis for at least 14 days before your appointment

Do not tan at least 14 days prior or have a sunburned face

Do not have any type of facial/peel/laser treatment on your face for at least 30 days before your appointment

No Botox/Dysport 2 weeks prior to your eyebrow appointment

Do not drink alcohol 24 – 48 hours before the procedure

Do not consume any caffeine 24 hour before your procedure

Do not take Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief 24 hours prior to your appointment

Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol (skincare & supplements) products 30 days prior to treatment

No antibiotics or steroids for 30 days before your appointment

Come to your appointment with your eyebrows filled in with your regular makeup

Come a week before or after your menstrual cycle for less discomfort

Eat before your appointment, don’t come in hungry so you feel more relaxed

Bring a light sweater or blanket if you get cold easily

Lookup the directions ahead of time and arrive 10 mins early

A complimentary aftercare kit with all the necessary products will be provided

Do not touch your eyebrows the first 3-4 hour
Applying too much ointment will lead to premature permanent pigment fading. A little bit goes a long way. This will keep the area from getting too dry and will accelerate the healing process

No ointment should be applied on eyebrows for the first 24 hours

Starting next day, apply a grain of rice size amount of ointment on eyebrows once daily for 14 days

If you have an oily skin type, no ointment should be applied, just dry healing for 14 days

No more direct water on eyebrows from now on for 14 days (You will be given the water protective shower visors to make this process easier)

Absolutely no sweating for 14 days

No steam such as long hot showers, baths, hot tubs, saunas, etc for 14 days

No facials/massages with face down for 14 days

No sun exposure/tanning for 30 days

Try your best to sleep on your back the first 14 days

Do not pick the scabs

On day 15 wash eyebrows with the same soap to remove any remaining scabs

Start using your regular skincare & SPF over eyebrow area (as long as it doesn’t contain any Retinols/Acids/Lightening or Exfoliating ingredients)

It is OK to get brows wet again, sweat, fill them in with makeup, use fake tan after 14 days Botox/Fillers near the eyebrow area can be done after 14 days too

Foot Tracks on Sand
  • *Must be at least 18 years old (No exceptions)
    *Ever had permanent makeup (microblading included) on your eyebrows before (will need to send a clear picture of your eyebrows to 757-785-7568 for approval, in-person consultation might be required since scar tissue is undetectable on the pictures).
    *Pregnant, nursing, harvesting eggs or trying to get pregnant. (No Exceptions)
    Must wait 3-6 months after delivery &/or 3-6 months after nursing to schedule
    *Prone to keloids (No exceptions)
    *Any scars or experienced any head trauma in the brow area
    (Will need to send a clear picture of your eyebrows to 757-785-7568 for approval)
    *Heart Conditions/Pace Maker/Defibrillator (No exceptions)
    If you are any of these medications, you will bleed and the pigment WILL NOT retain:
    Triflusal (Disgren)
    Clopidogrel (Plavix)
    Prasugrel (Effient)
    Ticagrelor (Brilinta)
    Ticlopidine (Ticlid)
    Cilostazol (Pletal)
    Vorapaxar (Zontivity)
    Dipyridamole (Persantine
    Pradaxia (dibigatran)
    Xarelto (rivaraxaban)
    Eliquis (apixaban)
    Savaysa (edoxaban)
    *Surgical Forehead/Browlift (scar on the brow area)
    (Scar tissue will prevent proper healing)

    *Alopecia Areata (Hair loss due to autoimmune disease)
    (Will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure)

    *Trichotillomania (Compulsive pulling of body hair)
    (Due to constant pulling, scar tissue is prominent and pigment will not heal properly)

    *Shingles-Have you EVER had shingles on your face (No exceptions)
    PMU will not be performed as the procedure could cause a flare up

    *Eczema, Psoriasis or Dermatitis in or around the brow area (No exceptions)
    (Constant flaking/itching/irritation/shedding of skin)

    *Retin-A/Retinol use or Vitamin A Oral Supplements
    (Must stop use 30 days before the procedure)

    *Large pores on your forehead & in the brow area
    (Pigment might heal more patchy)

    *Hemophilia-Bleeding Disorder (No exceptions)

    *Menopause (Considered)
    If you have hot flashes during the procedure, the pigment will not retain and Marina may have to stop.
    (You will be required to sign an addendum prior to procedure)

    *Platelet Disorders-Aggregation Disorders
    An aggregation disorder is when platelets do not bind with fibrinogen and other proteins in order to stick to other platelets. As a result, the platelets cannot form a plug to stop the bleeding from a damaged blood vessel.

    *Moles/raised areas in or around the brow area
    (Pigment will not be put into anything raised. Same goes for pimples)

    *Piercing in the brow area
    (Scars can cause the pigment to migrate)

    *Deep wrinkles in the brow area
    (Pigment will not lay properly in the creases, giving the brow an uneven look)

    *Hair transplant for your eyebrows
    (Pigment will not take in the scar tissue where the plugs were placed)

    *Thyroid conditions
    (Hypo, Hyper Thyroidism – pigment might not retain or may fade faster. No additional touch-ups will be performed earlier than 12 months from last procedure to avoid skin trauma if it happens;

    Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroidism- will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure).

    *Rosacea (diagnosed severe reddening of the face)

    Due to hypersensitivity, the skin does not take the pigment well

    *Fitzpatrick Skin types I & II (redheads/natural blondes/light skin/light eyes)
    Due to hypersensitivity, the skin does not take the pigment well

    *On Accutane (acne medicine) within the last 12 months (No exceptions)

    *Auto Immune Disorder of any kind (Multiple sclerosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes or the like)
    (Will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure)

    *Cancer of any kind or if you had chemotherapy/radiation within the last 6 months

    (Will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure)

    *MRSA (can be very contagious)

    *Extremely Thin skin (Transparent or Translucent or very vascular)

    Due to hypersensitivity, the skin does not take the pigment well

    *Frequent Exercise (5-7 days per week)

    Due to the frequent production of sweat (salt), the pigment WILL NOT retain, fade very quickly or change in color. THIS WILL HAPPEN! No additional touch-ups will be performed earlier than 6 months after the last procedure to avoid skin trauma if it happens.

  • While an individual’s threshold for pain will vary from person to person, there are a few ways we can minimize your discomfort. Typically eyebrow area is the least sensitive to tattoo unlike lips.
    A topical anesthetic is used during all procedures
    Avoid caffeine & alcohol the day of your appointment
    Avoid booking your appointment during your menstrual cycle

  • Nano Hair Stroke ( machine hair stroke)

    • This method involves using a very fine needle to create small, hair-like strokes that mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs.

    • It offers a more natural-looking result, as it closely imitates the individual hair strands.

    • This technique is ideal for people with sparse brows or those who want to create a more defined shape without looking overly made-up.

    • Unlike Microblading, Machine Nano Hairstroke works with all skin type.

    Powder Brows:

    • This method uses a small, round needle to create a soft, powdery makeup effect by implanting pigment in a dot-like pattern.

    • It results in a more filled-in, makeup-like appearance, similar to how eyebrows look when filled in with a brow pencil or powder.

    • This technique is ideal for people with very sparse or no eyebrow hair, or those who prefer a more made-up, yet still soft look.

    • Powder brows generally work well with all skin types, including oily skin.

  • Touch up is a follow up procedure which takes place a minimum six weeks after your initial visit, after your skin is fully healed. How much work you will need on a touch up will depend on several factors such as:
    Your desired results
    Your body’s healing capabilities, and ability to retain pigment
    Your dedication to following post procedure instructions

    Regular Rate for 1st Touchup $150

  • The maintenance/color boost touch-up session is performed within 12-36 months of the last service to maintain the pigment color and shape.

    This touch-up price is only on work done by us, there is no touch-up rate for the work done elsewhere.

    No touch-ups will be performed before 8 months to avoid skin trauma.

    Appointments after 36 months of the last service will be charged our current full price and will require 2 sessions to complete

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